Exhibition PieceforPeace – Quilts for Ukrainian Children
Dear friends – worldwide: More than nine months have passed since the first patchwork blocks arrived at my studio “Alte Brotfabrik” after my call in the social media for the action #PieceforPeace – the blue-yellow “flood”, the response and the participation was and is overwhelming! Approximately 22,000 sewn blocks, quite a few yards of donated fabrics, prepared edgings, thread and fleece, plus finished tops and quilts were waiting to be sewn, quilted and distributed.
So far, about 480 quilts have been completed and 220 have been given to Ukrainian children. More distributions are planned, including a large shipment to hospitals in Kiev/Ukraine.
Before many of the finished quilts are now distributed to their new owners, I would like to take the opportunity to present a selection of the #PieceforPeace quilts in the gallery space – it is fascinating to see how many shades of blue/yellow, techniques, motifs, ideas, wishes and messages can be found in the individual quilts.
I would like to invite you to the exhibition “PieceforPeace – quilts for Ukrainian children”!
Thursday, December 8, 2022: Opening at 3:00 p.m.
Friday , December 9 to Sunday, December 11,
from 11.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. each day
Admission is free – there will be donation boxes for future material purchases.
I am looking forward to your visit!
Yours, Claudia Pfeil