Quilted blankets and vests, banners and wall hangings, which had both a warming and a protective function, existed around the world as early as the Middle Ages. Emigrants from Europe brought the handicraft to the USA, due to a lack of supplies of fabric they used all scraps of fabric to make blankets for everyday use, especially to be able to protect themselves in the cold winters. Crafts, which were often made in the community (quilting bees), developed out of necessity. Quilts are found in every household in the US – statistically, every American family owns 1.5 quilts.

Longarm Machines
revolutionize Quilting

Quilts have one
long Tradition
Pioneer in
Europe with a
Longarm Machine
Pushing the “sandwich” – consisting of top, batting and back-under a sewing machine needle was tedious. That is reason the Americans developed the longarm quilting machines. The machine ´s head and needle is moving on a track system over the loaded fabric – this makes work much more comfortable, yet also finer and more complicated patterns are possible.
Instead of investing in a new car, Claudia Pfeil bought her first longarm machine and was the first longarm machine quilter in Europe.

Claudia Pfeil:
For me, my new tool means creative freedom, for my studio, however, that I am in contact with quilters from all over the world who want to visit me and my quilts. I am always very happy about being connected.
APQS Machines
in the Spotlight
In her quilt studio in the “Alte Brotfabrik” in Krefeld there are four quilting machines of the APQS brand: Freddie, Millie and Lucey – all freehand longarm machines – fitting perfectly into the largest room. As the German representative, Claudia Pfeil takes care of customers, trains on these machines and takes a “driver’s license” after a basic course. Visitors to the Quilt Studio can thus test and compare models alongside the impressive show quilts, receive advice and order and buy through Claudia Pfeil. In addition, you can learn more about quilting from Claudia Pfeil at one of many different workshops.

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Videos about current projects, tips and tricks about the techniques used and the feeling of looking over Claudia’s shoulder in her studio – this and much more exclusive content includes a membership at Patreon. Become part of the community.